Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation
Supporting the Children of San Antonio

Texas Cavaliers News & Profiles - Summer 2020 issue

Our community’s charitable organizations are hurting. Cancellations of Fiesta and other fundraising events that support area non-profits are causing desperate budget upheavals – and impacting children of every age and numerous needs.

I am deeply proud of the Trustees of the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation for stepping up in bold generosity to award grants to all 69 of the charitable organizations we had earmarked for gifts in the spring of 2020. Our unanimous decision to honor this commitment despite the postponement (and possible cancellation) of our Texas Cavaliers River Parade 2020 speaks to our mission to serve the children of this community. It speaks to the integrity and compassion of the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation.

The River Parade is the heart and soul of the Texas Cavaliers, and its proceeds have partially funded the work of our Foundation. That event, along with the personal philanthropic support of Texas Cavaliers members, has helped the Foundation raise millions of dollars to support children’s charities. Augmented by thousands of volunteer hours, we are making a positive impact on countless children every day. We will continue to be a force for good in times of pandemic and ordinary times.

I am especially indebted to our Commander Bart Simpson, River Parade Chairman Paul Rohlfs, Jr., and Executive Director Shannon Nisbet for their enthusiastic response and willingness to honor our gifts during this pandemic.

Viva Fiesta and Viva the Texas Cavaliers!

Vincent M. Dawson

Texas Cavaliers News & Profiles - 2020 summer issueSummer 2020 issue of the Texas Cavaliers Foundation News & Profiles.

Keeping you updated on a grant recipient, a profile on “One of the Good Guys in Blue Suits” and short notices of interest.

Download the full Summer 2020 issue

Media Contact

For all media inquiries or to schedule an interview with the Texas Cavaliers email Ashley Landers or call 210-828-8003