Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation
Supporting the Children of San Antonio

Texas Cavaliers News & Profiles - Winter 2020 issue

In 2019, $1.5M in TCCF funding provided critical support to 69 non-profits that serve children. Education, arts, culture, medicine, science, social services, and youth enrichment projects are among the services we fund. This issue, we introduce three agencies that are doing tough work with children and youth to abate their suffering and guide them toward lives of hope, health, and safety. These selfless organizations are making a difference. Their work is arduous, innovative, and critical to the children who are the beneficiaries.

Hope House Ministries brings positive youth services to a four-square-mile area on the eastside where poverty, violence, un- and under-employment, school drop-out rates, and other social problems are extremely high. Hope House engages youth in innovative after-school, weekend, and summer activities that promote nutritional education, leadership, teamwork, socialization, and potential career paths. The TCCF grant will help Hope House continue its transformative work.

The South Texas Alliance for Orphans “More than Enough Initiative” serves and equips churches, their members and the community with the goal of giving children in foster care the benefits of strong, healthy, supported biological, foster, adoptive, and kinship families. Its mission is to care for the thousands of children and families affected by the overwhelming need for quality foster care. In 2018, there were almost 4,000 infants and children up to 21 years old in foster care in Bexar, Kendall, and Comal counties. Many of these children have suffered abuse, neglect, and other Adverse Childhood Experiences. Your TCCF grant can change the world for the children served by this project.

Ransomed Life, Inc. provides lifesaving counseling and mentoring to girls, ages 12-18, who are survivors of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. These young women are traumatized, angry, hurting, and often suicidal. Healing can take years. This program helps the victims recover their self- esteem, self-worth, sense of hope, and ability to trust. The victims represent every socio-economic and geographic group in

Bexar County, and are referred to the agency through the Bexar County Juvenile Probation system, school counselors, family, and others. TCCF was honored to provide support to this first-time applicant.

Texas Cavaliers News & Profiles - 2020 winter issueWinter 2020 issue of the Texas Cavaliers Foundation News & Profiles.

Keeping you updated on a grant recipient, a profile on “One of the Good Guys in Blue Suits” and short notices of interest.

Download the full Winter 2020 issue

Media Contact

For all media inquiries or to schedule an interview with the Texas Cavaliers email Ashley Landers or call 210-828-8003