Texas Cavaliers News & Profiles - Spring 2019 issue
Your Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation works throughout the year overseeing the funds you have entrusted to the TCCF for the betterment of children in our community. Trustees also investigate the 60 or more organizations that apply for grants and make site visits to see firsthand the impact of our grants. Our visits sometimes result in unexpected benefits. Recently, Trustee Mark Krenger and Shannon Nisbet visited the Ricardo Salinas Dental Clinic, which provides care for underserved children. Mark asked, “What do you need besides money?” The staff outlined various renovation needs, and Mark and Shannon left there determined to help. Mark contacted Texas Cavalier friends, and at no cost to the clinic, got donations of materials and labor for new countertops, wall and ceiling repairs, lighting improvements, and more. Just one of many examples of Cavaliers in action.
Sincere thanks to Bob Worth and his Endowment Campaign Committee who have raised $3,384,516 in pledges, of which $1,957,092 has been collected. Your generosity has more than doubled the TCCF’s funds. Last October, the TCCF awarded
$50,000 to St. PJ’s Children’s Home toward construction of the new Texas Cavaliers Welcoming Center and has raised another $51,000 in matching funds! The construction cost is a minimum of $150,000 and the TCCF is working to secure the funds to complete this project. If you can help, please contact any TCCF Trustee or Shannon.
As Fiesta 2019 approaches, the TCCF Board is planning the distribution of funds to our charities. You can still donate to our 2019 Charitable Designee, Morgan’s Wonderland, and other selected charities, through the Adopt-A-Charity program. TCCF Trustees soon will begin vetting organizations for 2020 grants. If you know of a children’s organization that might qualify, contact Shannon or visit www.texascavaliers.org and click the Charitable Foundation tab.
Finally, I want to thank you all ... your confidence and generosity are making TCCF a great organization that helps countless children in our community.
Bill Hinchey
Welcome to our inaugural issue of the Texas Cavaliers Foundation News & Profiles.
Three issues per year will keep you updated on a grant recipient, a profile on “One of the Good Guys in Blue Suits” and short notices of interest.